Yavapai Broadcasting Corporation
EEO Public File Report
June 1, 2023 – May 31, 2024
Station employment unit:
Equal Employment Opportunity Policy:
Yavapai broadcasting corporation has a long-established history of being an equal opportunity employer. We make an effort to establish contacts with organizations within our broadcast coverage area to inform them of available positions and job openings.
Yavapai Broadcasting Corporation has a long established history of being an equal opportunity employer. We make an effort to establish contacts with organizations within our broadcast coverage area to inform them of available positions and job openings.
Organizations that would like to be contacted when we have an opening are encouraged to let us know so they can be added to our contact list. We request that the organizations provide us with the following information: Contact name, email and post office address, and phone number. Send the information to: Jackie Bessler, Yavapai Broadcasting Corp., PO Box 187, Cottonwood, AZ, 86326 or to [email protected].
This EEO Public File Report is filed in the Public Inspection Files of Yavapai Broadcasting Corporation – operator of Radio Stations KVRD, KYBC KKLD KQST and KVNA AM-FM pursuant to Section 73.2080(c)(6) of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) rules.
Yavapai Broadcasting Corp. had four full-time positions open during this reporting period:
One opening was for a full time sales position in Prescott Valley, one opening was for a sales market
manager position in Cottonwood, the third recruitment effort was a general help wanted ad for
a sales position, and the fourth recruitment effort was for a full time sales position in Flagstaff.
- Full time sales in Prescott Valley
Typical Recruitment Sources:
Source of Interviewees Referred Recruitment.
Prescott Valley Position
1. Yavapai Broadcasting on-air ads | 1 | |
2. Myradioplace.com 0 | | | |
3. Arizona Broadcasters Assn Website 0 | | | |
4. LinkedIn.com 1 | | | |
5. Indeed.com 24 | | | |
6. Yavapai College Job Fair 5 | | | |
7. Other .com Job sites 0 | | | |
8. Employee Referral | | | 0 |
9. Walk In 0 | | | |
| | | |
Position filled from 31 applicants. | | | |
| | | | | |
- Sales Manager in Cottonwood
Typical Recruitment Sources:
Source of Interviewees Referred
Recruitment Cottonwood Position
- Yavapai Broadcasting on-air ads 5
- Myradioplace.com 0
- Arizona Broadcasters Assn Website 0
- Linked In.com 3
- Indeed.com 15
- Area Job Fairs 0
- Other .com Job Sites 0
- Employee Referral 0
- Walk In 0
- Other 0
Position was filled from 23 applicants.
- Generic Sales Help Wanted Recruitment ad:
Source of Interviewees Referred
Recruitment Cottonwood Position
- Yavapai Broadcasting on-air ads 3
- Myradioplace.com 0
- Arizona Broadcasters Assn Website 0
Due to lack of qualified candidates this position was not opened and filled.
- Full time sales in Flagstaff
Typical Recruitment Sources:
Source of Interviewees Referred Recruitment
Flagstaff Position
- Yavapai Broadcasting on-air ads 0
- Myradioplace.com 0
- Arizona Broadcasters Assn Website 0
- Linked In.com 0
- Indeed.com 10
- Employee Referral 0
- Walk In 0
- Other 0
Position was filled from 10 applicants.
Yavapai Broadcasting Corp. remains committed to expanding its recruitment sources to allow for
greater input from local and viable community, minority and female sources.
Prescott Valley sales help wanted ads were aired 10/4 to 10/24 on all Yavapai Broadcasting radio stations. Help wanted ads were also posted on the radio station website, www.myradioplace.com as well as on Linked In, Indeed, and ABA websites.
Sales Manager recruitment ads were aired on all Yavapai Broadcasting radio stations
12/4 – 12/22/23….the same ads were aired again 1/4 – 1/15/24. Help wanted ads were also posted on the radio station website, www.myradioplace.com as well as on Linked In, Indeed and ABA websites.
Generic sales help wanted ads were aired on all Yavapai Broadcasting radio stations 3/19 – 4/5/24. These sales help wanted ads were also posted to the Arizona Broadcasters Help Wanted webpage.
Flagstaff sales help wanted ads were posted 4/26 – 5/24/24 in Indeed, Radio Ink and in the Radio Advertising Bureau sales help wanted ads. Help wanted ads were also aired on all Yavapai Broadcasting radio stations and were also posted on the radio station website, www.myradioplace.com.
Job and Career Fairs:
Event: Cliff Castle Casino Hotel Job Fair in Camp Verde
Date: June 7, 2022
Description: Cliff Castle Casino and City of Camp Verde in workshop and career fair.
Employee Participating: Jackie Bessler, Financial Manager/HR Director
Event: Verde Valley Job Fair in Cottonwood
Date: Oct. 4, 2023
Description: Yavapai College workshop and career fair
Employee Participating: Jackie Bessler, Financial Manager/HR Director
Event: Chino Valley Job and Career Fair
Date: March 1, 2024
Description: Yavapai College and the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce in workshop
and career fair
Employee Participating: Jackie Bessler, Financial Manager/HR Director
Event: Cottonwood Job and Career Fair
Date: April 3, 2024
Description: Yavapai College, Yavapai Broadcasting and the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce in workshop and career fair.
Employee Participating: Jackie Bessler, Financial Manager/HR Director
Internship Program:
Date: Ongoing
Program: On the job internship for students interested in broadcasting.
Description: Provided intern positions from students from the following schools: Northern Arizona University, Yavapai College and Mingus Union High School. Station personnel instruct interns on career opportunities, duties, and expectations. During this reporting period the program was available but no interns were utilized.
Career Orientation:
Program: Broadcast Career Open House
Date: (On going every two months)
Description: Hosted High School students interested in broadcasting in conjunction with Mingus Union High School. Station personnel discussed job responsibilities and required education for employment as well as demonstrating broadcast related activities.
Employee Participating:
Jackie Bessler, Financial/HR Director and staff members