Fall Prescribed Burning Planned on the Verde Ranger District

Fire managers on the Verde Ranger District have several fuel treatments planned September 17th through November 30th; The Shylock Prescribed Burn is a 3526 acre burn located off Highway 89A and Forest Road 151.The Crater Prescribed Burn is a 3046 acre burn located east of Powell Springs Campground and south of the community of Cherry. The Brindle Pup Prescribed Burn is a 2425 acre burn adjacent to the Brindle Pup Mine Road and Forest Road 132. The Black Prescribed Burn is a 750 acre initial entry burn located between Forest 132 and Forest Road 413. The Sycamore Prescribed Burn is a 428 acre broadcast burn located east of I-17 near Dugas. And the 413 Prescribed Burn is a 169 acre broadcast burn located on Mingus Mountain just east of the Campground. Drivers should be prepared for short delays on Forest Service roads; however no delays are expected on major highways.


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