Yavapai Broadcasting

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the Peak 100.1

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The NEW Peak 100.1 – Whether you’re revisiting the classics or rocking out to the latest hits, every song brings something special.

Embark on a musical journey through the best of the ’80s, ’90s, and now! Today with the new Peak 100.1! From the iconic beats of the ’80s to the unforgettable anthems of the ’90s, the classic hits of the 2000s, and today’s chart-toppers, we’ve got all your favorite jams in one place. Relive the past and enjoy the present – all in one station.

The NEW Peak 100.1 – Whether you’re revisiting the classics or rocking out to the latest hits, every song brings something special. Tune in for a perfect blend of timeless tunes and fresh hits that keep you moving through the decades.

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The Peak 100.1

Classic Hits from Legendary Artists

Imagine starting your day with the crisp, cool sounds of your favorite tracks, or unwinding with the perfect blend of music that speaks to your soul as the sun sets over the red rocks. Whether you’re navigating the scenic byways of Arizona or just chilling at home, the Peak 100.1 is your soundtrack to life.

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Local News

Latest News Update Yavapai Broadcasting: My Radio Place

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Yavapai Broadcasting, known as “My Radio Place,” is a prominent radio station network that serves the vibrant communities of Yavapai County, Arizona. With a commitment to delivering high-quality programming, Yavapai Broadcasting offers a diverse range of content that caters to various interests and tastes.

Verde Valley Comic Expo

The Verde Valley Comic Expo 2025 is almost here! Join us on Saturday, March 29th, from 10 AM to 4 PM at the Cottonwood Recreation Center. Enjoy comics, cosplay, panels, vendors, food trucks, and much more! Special guests include Chris Giarrusso, Michael Gallagher, and Steve Rude. Admission is just $5, or only $3 with two canned food donations. Kids 10 and under get in for FREE! Don’t miss out on our incredible vendors. “My Name is Aris Bolvi. I’m an author that writes fantasy romantic comedy. My first book I published is called “The Tragic tale of a half breed” I dabble in art and crafts and jewelry. “ A huge thank you to our sponsors: Pinnacle Bank, Pines Inn & Suites, Game On, Yavapai Broadcasting, Art Paint Draw, Verve Events and Tents, The Old Town Mission, DJ Dbear, Cottonwood Bookmarks, and the Cottonwood Recreation Center.

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Stop Sign Thefts/Navajo County Sheriff’s Office

3/18 The Navajo County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the theft of stop signs. Officials say they responded to 2-calls as of Monday of stop signs being removed. Tampering with a traffic control device is a Class-1-misdemeanor, along with additional charges of criminal damage and theft. If you have any information regarding the thefts, contact the Navajo County Sheriff’s Office.

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Pay Increase Announced for Federal and Tribal Wildland Firefighters

3/18 The National Interagency Fire Center says recent legislation confirmed the permanent pay increase for federal and Tribal wildland firefighters across the United States. This will help to hire and retain top-tier employees in the field of wildland fire. New special salary pay tables will be established for federal wildland firefighters at all levels, including temporary and seasonal employees.

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