Bagdad Hillside found guilty of illegally discharging arsenic contaminated water

Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced Bagdad Hillside, LLC has been found guilty of 3 felony violations of the Arizona Pollution Discharge Elimination System Program. Spokesperson Mia Garcia says the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality discovered that Bagdad Hillside owned a mine in Yavapai County which was discharging arsenic contaminated water directly into adjacent Boulder Creek at a rate of 5 gallons per minute or about 2.6 million gallons per year. She says, in 2014, the company agreed to come up with a plan to stop the discharge and apply for the appropriate environmental permits. However, a plan was not submitted, proper permits were not issued, and the mine continues to discharge into Boulder Creek. Garcia says the company could face fines and will be required to pay restitution at sentencing.


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