Former Treasurer for Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District Pleads Guilty to Fraud and Theft.

Attorney General Mark Brnovich says the former treasurer of the Pine-Strawberry Water Improvement District, Michael Scott Greer, has pleaded guilty to fraud and conflict of interest charges. In addition, Greer pleaded guilty to theft from the Gila County Mounted Posse. Between 2011 and 2012, the District sought bids for the installation and maintenance of 13 wells. While serving as a member of the District board, Greer facilitated the submission of bids from two vendors. Greer failed to inform the District of his financial interest in these vendors and ultimately received over $65,000 from the District under the contracts. During that time, Greer also served as the treasurer for the Gila County Mounted Posse and used $38,706 in Posse funds for personal expenses. To cover his use of funds, Greer falsely reported account balances during board meetings. Greer faces up to 2.5 years in prison and will be placed on probation following his release from prison. In addition, Greer will pay a fine of $65,865 and restitution of approximately $42,000. A hearing is scheduled for January 14th.


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