Community Meetings For Proposed Yavapai-Apache Nation Land Exchange

The Prescott, Coconino, Kaibab, and Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests have begun the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process for a proposed land exchange with the Yavapai-Apache Nation and a Draft Environmental Assessment is available for public review and comment. The Forest Service is hosting two informational community meetings: January 17 in Camp Verde and January 18 in Prescott. These are open house format. Agency leadership, subject matter experts, and resource specialists will be on hand to answer questions and provide instructions for submitting formal comments.

Camp Verde Open House
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Phillip England Auditorium, 210 Lincoln Rd.

Prescott Open House
Thursday, January 18, 2024,
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
The Center, 1280 E. Rosser St.

The Yavapai-Apache Nation Federal Land Exchange involves the proposed exchange to the United States of approximately 4,782 acres of inholdings within the National Forest System, owned by the Yavapai-Apache Nation. The Nation’s exchange lands include six parcels located in four national forests – Prescott, Coconino, Kaibab, and Apache Sitgreaves – all of which are surrounded by National Forest System lands. In exchange, the Nation would receive approximately 3,201 acres of federal land, most of which is in the wildland-urban interface, and nearly all of which is contiguous to the Nation’s existing lands near Camp Verde, Arizona.


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