Presidential Preference Election Information

Yavapai County Recorder, Michelle Burchill would like to remind voters about important information regarding the upcoming Presidential Preference Election that will be held March 19, 2024.

  • The PPE is a Statewide Political Party Election where voters who are affiliated with those party’s will choose who they would like their party to nominate as a Presidential candidate in the General Election.
  • Only the Republican and Democrat Parties have chosen to participate in this election.
  • The provision for an open primary does not apply to the PPE. This means that only voters registered to the specific participating party may vote on that party’s ballot.
  • Only registered Democrats or Republicans may vote in the 2024 PPE.
  • Voters registered as Independents, Libertarians, No Labels or Other, may change their party affiliation by the registration deadline to vote in the PPE. After the PPE, they can re-register to their original party.
  • To be eligible to vote, you must register by February 20, 2024. You may register in person at the Yavapai County Recorder’s Office 1015 Fair St., Prescott, Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm, or in our Cottonwood office, 10 S. 6th, or online at

Important Dates:

Last day to register to vote February 20, 2024
In-person early voting begins (Prescott, Cottonwood, Prescott Valley) February 21, 2024
Ballots will be mailed (AEVL Republican and Democrat) February 21, 2024
Last day to request and be mailed a ballot March 8, 2024
Last day to vote early in-person March 15, 2024
Election Day March 19, 2024


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