Public Input Needed for Central Bradshaw Reforestation Project

The Prescott National Forest is initiating opportunity for public input for a project re-plant native ponderosa pine seedling which have been collected from the forest.


The REPLANT Act provides funding to reforest with native tree species in areas where wildfires have destroyed trees.  The Central Bradshaw Reforestation Project will replant up to 1,869 acres that were burned by the Indian Fire in 2002, Ruth Fire in 1950, Crooks Fire in 2022 and the Goodwin Fire in 2017.  These areas were previously ponderosa pine stands and were identified as having a planting need. The treatment will involve hand planting of native ponderosa pine seedlings which were collected from the Prescott National Forest

Currently, the Prescott National Forest is conducting a 30-day public scoping period. During this time, the public is invited to review the proposed action and provide feedback on the information included therein. Your input will assist the Prescott National Forest in determining the issues that inform the decision on this project.  This public input period will run through February 2, 2024.

If you have any questions about this proposal, please contact: Benjamin Roebuck, Prescott NF Forest Silviculturist at 928-202-0281 or [email protected]

Additional information can be found on the project website at:

Request for Comments:  We would like to know of any issues, concerns, and suggestions you may have about this proposal. Comments should be as fully formed and specific to the proposal. Although comments are welcome at any time, they will be most effective if received by Wednesday, February 2, 2024.


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