Coconino NF Prescribed Fire Outlook

Coconino National Forest fire managers will continue work on several crucial prescribed fire projects next week while wind and weather conditions are favorable.

Planned projects for next week include:

Flagstaff Ranger District (FRD)

Fort Valley Experimental Forest (Flagstaff Wildland-Urban Interface)

  • When: 31 or Nov. 1
  • Where: Along Fort Valley Road 1 mile west of Basecamp at Snowbowl
  • Why:As part of a Northern Arizona University project to burn a small piece of land on a five-year rotation to further study prescribed fire. This area was last burned in the fall of 2018.
  • Size:3 acres
  • Method/ type of burn: Broadcast and maintenance
  • Duration:1 day
  • Smoke impacts:Light smoke impacts may be felt on Highway 180.
  • Closures/ restrictions:None


  • When:Intermittently between Oct. 30 and Nov. 3
  • Where:5 miles northwest of Lower Lake Mary along Lake Mary Road (Forest Highway 3)
  • Why: The 3E prescribed fire project will help secure homes in the Flagstaff urban interface by reducing hazardous fuel loading within communities located near town.
  • Size:2,500 acres
  • Method/ type of burn: Broadcast and maintenance
  • Duration:5 days
  • Smoke impacts:Smoke will be highly noticeable from the City of Flagstaff and surrounding areas. Smoke will move southwest to the Verde Valley communities.
  • Closures/ restrictions:None

Mogollon Rim Ranger District (MRRD)

Upper Beaver Creek

  • When: 30 through Nov. 3
  • Where:The Mule Park area near the Happy Jack Ranger Station
  • Why:To reduce hazardous fuels, return fire to a fire-adapted ecosystem and reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
  • Size:6,000 acres
  • Method/ type of burn: Broadcast
  • Duration:Four to Five days
  • Smoke impacts:Rare easterly winds will minimize smoke impact to Lake Mary Road. Smoke impact will be felt in the Camp Verde and other Verde Valley communities.
  • Closures/ restrictions:None

Prescribed fire information can always be accessed in several ways:

During prescribed fire, smoke will be visible from several areas across the forest.

Northern Arizona residents and forest visitors are reminded to look for information regarding planned prescribed fire projects if smoke is visible.

Please refrain from contacting dispatch or 911 to report prescribed fire smoke so lines can remain open for emergencies.


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