Friday and Saturday Cottonwood is hosting the annual Thunder Valley Rally Music Festival at Riverfront Park from 4-to-10 each night. Along with city events, numerous private entities are also holding events during those days throughout the city. Cottonwood Police will provide walking patrols, emergency response and traffic enforcement for these events. A full breakdown of the traffic plan can be found below:
Traffic will flow at its own pace in and out of the event from 3:30 PM to 9:50 PM assisted by
a traffic officer at the intersection of 10th Street and Main Street as needed. This traffic officer
position will be staged at the intersection at all times. At 9:50 PM until approximately 10:20
PM no inbound traffic will be allowed into the event. At that time 10th Street will be structured
to allow 3 out bound lanes. These out bound lanes will be assisted by two traffic officers who
will route traffic south on Main Street and south on 10th Street and north on Main Street in
accordance with the lane that the traffic is in. Additional traffic officers will be placed at Main
Street and Mingus Avenue to ensure traffic flows through the light and 10th Street and Mingus
Avenue to assist with traffic at the southbound stop sign.
Cottonwood Bus/Shuttle services will access the vendor parking lot through the
Riverfront Reclamation access road and drop those attending the events off. The shuttle
service will then proceed out of the parking lot onto Riverfront Road and back to 10th Street.