A Prescott man is charged with sexually assaulting a 15-year old girl. YCSO spokesman Dwight D’Evelyn says back on the 12-th, the victim reported that she and a friend met 20-year old Zachary Archibeque at a Prescott Valley park. That night, they contacted Archibeque by Snap-Chat and asked if he had alcohol. Both girls went to his home and began drinking. Archibeque reportedly assaulted the victim in the bathroom and then again in a bedroom; both times she was able to break free. He says after the second attack, the girls left the house. He says on the 16-th Archibeque’s was taken into custody. During an interview, he placed blame on the victim but admitted that ‘he cannot control himself’ when drunk. He also acknowledged sexual contact and providing alcohol to both minors. He’s being held on a $75,000 bond.