AAA study says distracted driving reaching epidemic proportions.

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. According to a new AAA Traffic Safety survey, many drivers believe that distracted driving is a growing epidemic and one of the greatest dangers facing motorists today. Officials say early 9 out of 10 drivers surveyed said that distracted driving ranks higher than other risky road behaviors such as aggressive driving, drugged or drunk driving. Drivers also said they regularly see drivers emailing or texting while driving. Another AAA study determined distraction was a factor in 58 percent of teen crashes, 44 percent more than federal estimates. The study also showed that drivers talking on a cellphone are up to four times as likely to crash, while those who text are up to eight times as likely to be involved in one. Spokesperson for AAA Arizona Michelle Donati says people know this is a dangerous behavior, but many of them do it anyway.



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