Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project update.

) Several significant milestones have been achieved as the Phase I portion of the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project, the thinning of the Elden Base project area, is nearing completion. 145-acres have been hand-thinned, and another 642-acres of mechanical thinning work was recently completed. Tree cutting and hauling within is complete, and the final contract closeout is expected in the next two weeks. Phase II, the Dry Lake Hills project and work in the Steep Slope areas, is underway with 105-acres having been hand-thinned over the summer. Contracts were recently awarded for both ground-based and helicopter logging on some of the steeper slopes. The ground-based operator has completed hand felling in two of the contract units, and is now working on a third unit. The helicopter contractor is expected to begin in January. As Phase II progresses, Closure Orders will be implemented for public and operator safety. A large closure area is necessary as the helicopter will haul whole trees via long lines underneath the helicopter. Felling and helicopter hauling is expected to be completed by the end of spring, 2019. This winter and spring, US Forest Service and City crews will be burning slash piles associated with the Flagstaff Watershed Protection Project hand thinning operations completed in 2017-2018. Public notice will be issued before ignitions occur.


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