State lawmakers considering a proposal to extend expiration dates on eggs

State lawmakers are considering a proposal to put 45-day expiration dates on Grade A eggs, compared to the current 24-day sell-by date. That means consumers could be cracking and cooking eggs that left the farm more than six weeks ago and food safety experts say that’s perfectly safe. The proposal states consumers and businesses throw over two million eggs away because of expiration dates. The proposal previously garnered more than three-quarters support from the House of Representatives, and was unanimously moved out of the Senate. It’s due for one more vote in the House before possibly heading to Gov. Doug Ducey’s desk; which could happen as early as this week. Pat Sparks, a professor at the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Arizona, said eggs with a 45-day expiration date may lose some moisture as they age making the yolk more fragile, but will still be safe to eat.


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